
Urban Decay - Alice Through The Looking Glass Eyeshadow Palette Review

3:39 PM

Dari pertama kali liat postingan di instagram @urbandecaycosmetics ttg eyeshadow palette yang satu ini, aku udah kayak cacing kepanasan sendiri and I kept telling myself that I gotta have this one! And just yesterday this package finally came in and I can't stop touching and looking at it! So prettyyyy and it makes me so excited as well to write this post! 

By the way I got this eyeshadow palette di Beautyhaulindo (one of my comfort-zone online shop) seharga Rp 1,250,000 tapi kayanya udah Out of Stock sih. Pesenan aku ini pun sebenernya sempet nyasar 2 minggu lebih karena JNE nya sempet salah kirim ke Cilegon, tapi untungnya bisa ketemu setelah di follow up terus. Phew. Udah sedih & senewen bangett tadinyaaaa karena cepet banget udah OOS aja dan harganya juga mahal :s :s 

Urban Decay x Alice Through The Looking Glass Eyeshadow Palette

OK enough for the background story, let's talk about the real deal here

Terinspirasi dari film'nya sendiri,"Alice Through the Looking Glass", Disney bekerja sama dengan Urban Decay Cosmetics untuk merilis this limited edition eyeshadow palette dengan warna-warna yang pop-out! 

Packaging eyeshadow palette ini udah bener-bener bikin gemes banget. So colorful & unique! Bahannya back to oldschool, which is dari cardboard, bukan tin can / metal seperti koleksi eyeshadow palette dari Urban Decay lainnya (Naked or Gwen Stefani palette). Dan size keseluruhannya pun lebih bulky, jadi memang akan sangat makan tempat, and tidak efisien untuk dibawa travelling. It's the kind of stuffs to be the eye-candy and play with in your vanity.

This eyeshadow palette comes with a mirror inside, dilengkapi dengan pop-out butterfly di bagian atas, dan semacam drawer mini di bawahnya yang ketika ditarik keluar, isinya adalah eyeshadow palette nya itu sendiri. Eyeshadow palette ini terdiri dari 20 warna eyeshadow ALL-NEW SHADES berukuran masing-masing 0.04 oz atau 1.13 gram. It also comes with a double-ended brush!

Closed up mirror quotes. Very very interesting concept delivery

"I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours"

Open up the quotes cabinet and we are greeted by this pop-up butterfly!

I am so excited with the fact that seluruh 20 warna di eyeshadow palette ini adalah warna baru (not just from their existing eyeshadow shades yang hanya di arrange ulang dalam 1 palette). 20 warna ini juga sengaja di arrange per kolom sesuai karakter-karakter dalam film Alice Through The Looking Glass, jadi kita bisa create our looks inspired by each of the character, or since there's no rules in creativity, we can play with them and mix them to create thousands of different looks! Unlimited creativity!

Look at those frame! Aku kira dari foto it's made of metal yg di design seperti glass. But no, it's all cardboard! Very creative, it really looks like glass!!

Brush? Average, bristles nya soft yet firm, jadi versatile bisa digunakan untuk blending dan untuk patting on colour. Tapi aku ga sukaa design nya agak looks cheap gitu hitam plastik bunga-bunga. gajelas deh :s

So let's move on to the swatches :) :)

Alice's Eyeshadows:

- Looking Glass (pale pink, demi matte)
- Reflection (soft peach, matte)
- Dormouse (warm brown matte with floating gold micro sparkle)
- Metamorphosis (vibrant perwinkle blue with micro sparkle)

Aku suka banget sama Dormouse, warnanya warm dan texture nya very blendable, it's gonna be a great transition color untuk intense eye make up! Looking Glass is also very pretty, especially for highlight! Not so crazy about Metamorphosis though, it's not as pigmented as I expected to be, dan menurut aku pun warnanya agak nanggung.

Mad Hatter's eyeshadow:

- Hatter (vibrant green with tonal micro-sparkle)
- Gone Mad (aubergine with pink iridescent pearl)
- Paradox (vibrant orange with gold pearl)
- Cake (saturated blue-pink with silver micro shimmer)

I think this column is my favourite colour combination, warna-warna character Mad Hatter memang yang paling vibrant and playful. Can't wait to play with Paradox dan Cake

Mirana's (The White Queen) eyeshadows:

- Lily (opal pink pearl)
- Duchess (peach with pink shift and micro sparkle)
- Kingdom (copper-bronze pearl)
- Chessboard (medium brown matte)

I LOVE all the eyeshadow in this column! Semuanya sangat wearable dan very pretty!! I like how they come up with enough options for natural looks in this palette, dan bukan hanya emphasize to pop colors only. Safe yet pretty shades for this column, no other words. 

Iracebeth's (The Red Queen) eyeshadow:

- Heads Will Roll (vibrant turquoise with with gold micro-sparkle)
- Bandersnatch (deep teal matte)
- Salazen Grum (metallic crimson)
- Royal Flush (pale beige shimmer)

Heads Will Roll nge-gemesin banget, bringing out that mermaid-vibe, but hail to Salazen Grum, it's my #1 most favourite shade in the palette! The formula and the pay-off is also mindblowing! Percaya atau engga swatch di atas cuma sekali swatch aja, sedangkan warna2 lain aku layer 2-3 times to achieve pigmentation yang bisa cukup nujukkin warnanya di foto. It's also very easy to blend, texture nya buttery banget, so satisfying! In the other hand I didn't really enjoy swatching Royal Flush, terrible texture, jadi banyak yang jatuh2 dan agak susah nempel di kulit.

Time's eyeshadow:
- Time (black-navy satin with soft iridescent micro-sparkle)
- Dream On (metallic purple-silver)
- Chronosphere (metallic deep bronze)
- Mirror (gray-taupe satin)

I hate to say this but this is my least favourite column. Warna-warnanya agak dull dan boring. And Dream On is really a pain in the ass. Mungkin karena ini adalah metallic eye shadow, pigment nya bener-bener ngga keluar, I had to really dig in to the pan to get a hint of colour on my skin. Texture di shade "Mirror" juga aneh banget, it's really patchy, susah banget utk dapet hasil yang smooth with this eyeshadow. But I have to say aku suka banget sama Chronosphere though, warnanya gorgeous, blendable as well, and very creamy. 

Overall, texture di satu palette eyeshadow ini beda-beda banget kualitasnya utk tiap warna, untuk warna-warna satin & matte I think the formula is amazing, tapi untuk metallic/ frosty, aku kurang suka formula nya karena susah di aplikasikan, ngga nempel ke kulit, dan jadinya pun messy karena banyak fall-off dan not pigmented at all. Packaging is definitely its strong point, very very strong packaging game, walaupun it's very bulky dan ngga praktis untuk dibawa2.

In my opinion, for you guys yang emang suka warna-warna pop up and like to have pretty things in your vanity, this is definitely a palette to have! Tapi dari segi quality, for pop-colors eyeshadow, masih mendingan invest di other eyeshadow palette like Morphe (way cheaper), atau BH Cosmetics (even way cheaper). Dan dari segi functional, this is definitely not the safest everyday-to-wear eyeshadow palette. But again, we can always use natural colour and add a dash of vibrant to still create a statement, right ?

Can't wait to really play with this and create some dreamy Wonderland looks!
What do you think?

Thanks for reading!

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  1. Bagus banget cici

  2. Yahh ternyata gak semua se-pigmented itu yah warnanya stel..pdhal pgn bbt beli cuma pas baca review lo jdnya gak usah beli deh mungkin lbh mending beli abh renaissance palette ajah..hehehe

    1. Iyah win kalau buat koleksi sih lucu bangeeet. tapi ngga semuanya oke formulanya. mungkin mesti pake eyeshadow primernya banget kali ya baru lumayan. iyah beli gih tar gw mainin dong. xixixi :D


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Hello, my name is Stella Julian.

I'm a 27 year-old Indonesian who used to work as a full-time passionate-professional in beauty industry. I created this blog to share all things mainly related to beauty, fitness, and other things about me that's almost unintelligible. Sharing is caring and hope you guys enjoy reading my posts! Do contact me for questions or inquiries: stellss.julian@gmail.com


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